Enquiries : 484 - 2754555
The College was started by the Co-operative Academy of Professional Education (CAPE) established by the Government of Kerala. The CAPE, Promoted by the Department of Co-operation, Govt. of Kerala was established in April 1999, as an autonomous society registered under the Travancore-Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Act 1955, with the objective of setting up new professional institutions in the state in the fields of technical ,medical and management education. Hon’ble Chief Minister of Kerala is the Chairman of the CAPE and the Hon’ble Minister for Co-operation is the Vice Chairman. The academy is governed by a board of governors and an executive committee with the Hon’ble Minister for Co-operation, Government of Kerala as chairman and the Director as the Member-Secretary.
The Government of Kerala was taken over by the Government as per G.O(P) No.488/2013/H&FWD dated 17.12.2013 and brought under the control of the Directorate of Medical Education, Medical College P.O, Thiruvananthapuram with effect from the date of the said order.
Prof. Dr. Prathap S
Office Phone: +91-484 2754443 Mob:
e-mail : principal@cmccochin.org, principalgmcekm@gmail.com
Vice-Principal :
Dr. Anilkumar P,
Administrative Officer
Sri. Suresh Kumar T
Office Phone: +91-484 2754456
email: surekollam2019@gmail.com
Medical Superintendent (in charge)
Dr. Ganesh Mohan MD
Office Phone: +91-484 2754456
e-mail : ms@cmccochin.org